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"Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine."
- Peter Sondergaard


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Enable Query Folding
It’s highly possible that you need an enabled query folding, but this option is disabled for your table in Power BI. Let’s see how to resolve it. Why We need to Enable Query...
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Refresh ALL Datasets
Do you know Power Automate can help you to refresh all your reports just by clicking a button or by setting refresh automation for all of them in a specific time? I previously...
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Download Data to CSV
Do you like to know how Power BI report users can extract the Data behind Visuals into a CSV file just by pressing a button? Imagine that we have a report like this one. As...
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Notification Email for KPI
Do your end users need notification on their emails when their sales amount picked a value or decreased below a certain amount?  You can set an alert and she will get notified...
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Refresh Button using Power Automate
It is not always required to set a schedule for your Power BI reports to refresh it. You can create a button on the report and your end users can refresh data when they need. In...
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Show Refresh Date & Time
It’s absolutely valuable for your users to understand when was the last time your report get refreshed. Don’t miss this tutorial to learn how to create last refresh date and time field...
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Whether you need to get insights for your business and empower your organisation with Microsoft Power BI reports, or eager to learn how to use Power BI, we’re here to assist you.