Show Refresh Date & Time

It’s absolutely valuable for your users to understand when was the last time your report get refreshed. Don’t miss this tutorial to learn how to create last refresh date and time field in your Power BI report.

Consider we have a Power BI report like this one and you set a schedule to refresh it’s data or maybe you refresh it on demand. But, your customer is not sure when was the last refresh date and time? And so they’re not confident that they can trust on your report.

Power BI report Sample

Also, sometimes there is a problem in refreshing your report based on your schedule, and then, you can immediately realize the issue when you cannot see any changes in refresh date and time info.

So, what can we do?

Correct, we can create the refresh date and time field and use it in our report to show our users when was the last time this report get refreshed.

But, How to do it?

Create Refresh Date & Time Field

What we’re going to do is going to the Power Query editor, and from New Source, choose a Blank Query.

Then, in the text box write

= DateTime.LocalNow()

And then hit the check.

Date Time Local Now

Then, I change the query name to Data Refresh.

Data Refresh

Now, we have the current date and time, and now we should convert it to a table.

So, from top left, I press “To Table” button.

Date Time Local Now To table

And boom!

You can see the data in a columnar format. I just rename the column to DateTime.

DateTime Power Query Editor

And then what I’m going to do is duplicate the DatTime column and name the column as Date. Then, I’m going to the Transform tab, and from Date & Time Column section choose date, and then Date only.

Again, duplicate the DateTime column and rename it to Time. And then, this time I’m going to the Transform tab, and from Date & Time Column section choose Time, and then Time only.

Date only
Time Only
Date and Time Power Query

Now we have a table here, which get refreshed whenever we refresh the model.

Let’s close and apply.

To test, we create a card, and drag the DateTime into it, and format the visual.

You can see here the last date and time the report get refreshed. And now if I press on refresh the whole model, and wait some seconds to complete the refresh process, you can see the DateTime get Updated.

Power Bi Last Refresh Date and Time

Just notice that if you refresh only one table in your model, this refresh time will not get updated.

So, The Date and time info only get refreshed when you refresh the whole model. And if you’re refreshing your report in Power BI service there isn’t any problem as you’re refreshing the whole model.

Final Word

I’m curious to know what’s your thoughts. Comment it below this post.

You can also watch the related video on YouTube Channel for better understanding.

2 thoughts on “Show Refresh Date & Time”

  1. Cuando un conjunto de datos se actualiza de un flujo de datos, puede ocurrir que el flujo de datos NO se actualice, por lo tanto, aunque el conjunto de datos se actualice, realmente no se ha actualizado.

    Que se puede hacer en este caso.


    1. Hi Oscar,

      Thanks for your great question. First, I translate your question and then I’ll answer it.

      When a dataset is updated from a dataflow, it may happen that the dataflow is NOT updated, so even though the dataset is updated, it has not actually been updated.
      What can be done in this case.

      You can do exactly the same thing but this time, at the dataflow level. However, this time you need to know M Power Query knowledge to write the code. But the great point is that you can create a table similar what I described in this article, go to Edit Query and then open Advanced Query, and copy the code.
      Then go to dataflow, Get data, from a Blank Query, and then paste the code there. In case just if you cannot find the M code, I copy it below for you. Just notice that, this new field gives you the last refresh time for your dataflow, not your dataset. If you still have issues, let me know and I will write a blog post and make a YouTube video for you.


      Source = DateTime.LocalNow(),
      #”Converted to Table” = #table(1, {{Source}}),
      #”Renamed Columns” = Table.RenameColumns(#”Converted to Table”,{{“Column1”, “DateTime”}}),
      #”Duplicated Column” = Table.DuplicateColumn(#”Renamed Columns”, “DateTime”, “DateTime – Copy”),
      #”Renamed Columns1″ = Table.RenameColumns(#”Duplicated Column”,{{“DateTime – Copy”, “Date”}}),
      #”Extracted Date” = Table.TransformColumns(#”Renamed Columns1″,{{“Date”, DateTime.Date, type date}}),
      #”Duplicated Column1″ = Table.DuplicateColumn(#”Extracted Date”, “DateTime”, “DateTime – Copy”),
      #”Renamed Columns2″ = Table.RenameColumns(#”Duplicated Column1″,{{“DateTime – Copy”, “Time”}}),
      #”Extracted Time” = Table.TransformColumns(#”Renamed Columns2″,{{“Time”, DateTime.Time, type time}})
      #”Extracted Time”

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